Wednesday, October 12, 2011

As Strong as the Men

Military girlfriends are as strong as the men their hearts belong to. 
We have the strength to wait to be held for months (maybe years) at a time. 
We're independent enough to keep a relationship alive in different states, countries, or continents.
We have the power to leave whenever we want, but we don't because the wait is well worth it.
We brush the dust off the teddy bear we got two Valentine's Days ago so we can cuddle at night.
We have to be deprived of the touchy-feely, sweaty sensation that we dream about all the time!
We have to be pretty damn good at math to count down the days until we're in his arms again.

1 comment:

  1. :]]] Welcome to the blogging world. I have been doing it for a little while also to let off some steam and what not. You can follow my blog here:
    I will defiantly keep posted on yours!
