Sunday, October 16, 2011

My Favorite Memory

Whenever I tell this story, tears never fail to accompany my words. Since water marks can't appear on a computer screen, just know that my eyes were not dry while writing this. 
This is my most prized moment with my boyfriend, and I will never forget every detail of that night.

My favorite memory of us is the night before he left for boot camp. It was January 11th, very cold, and there was about eight inches of snow. At almost midnight, he admitted to me that he had never made a snowman before (even though we're both from Michigan)! We went out behind the apartment building in pajama pants, coats, and mittens. I showed him how to roll the big snowballs, and we finally ended up making a miniature snowman. Finishing the task seemed to last three hours, but that was only because we would be distracted by throwing snowballs at each other, and just laughing like we were watching a stand-up comic.
After marveling over the fact he successfully built a snowman, we started drawing in the snow. With the immature sides of our brain, we thought to see who could trace the largest male sex organ (yes... I really meant penis). After I won that battle, he told me not to look in his direction for a minute. That man must eat five carrots a day because no matter how many times I tried to peek, he caught me! So he convinced me not to look again by saying "Do it one more time, and there will be no surprise for babygirl." I still remember the exact quote because it was SO funny at the time! When I was finally able to look, he wrote "I love you Danielle" so big that you could read it from a plane. 
I attempted to copy him, but before I could get to the word "love," he has tackled me to the ground tickling me. (Sidenote: Our tickle fights get highly dangerous. One of us constantly ends up getting hurt, usually me. BUT this time, neither of us came out injured!) After a few minutes, and probably after waking a few people up, we laid there in the snow kissing and talking. Not once did I feel the snow melt through my pajama pants. There was something much more important right in front of my eyes to even think about anything else.
It took us a while to decide to go inside for bed. I couldn't even give an estimate on how long we were out there because no part of my mind was functioning.  

Thanks for reading! 

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